Hello! I would like to apply for a social spot in Aces Sleeved. Hopefully I can fit into your core raiding team, but if I can't a social spot would be nice. I'll pug my heroics and have some nice people to talk to in the meantime! So to support that application, I offer the following information:
My name is Léon, and I would prefer to be called that. When typing Leon will be fine as well.
I'm 28 years old. I have a fulltime job, though sometimes with irregular hours which allow me to play in the daytime. I also have a girlfriend, whom I love, even though she keeps me from spending too much time online. Does that sound paradoxical? Well, it is!
The only other thing that might distract me from raiding is the fact that I box. I want to eventually do so competitively, though on a low, very amateur level.
I'm sociable, opinionated, always willing to help, patient and good at explaining things (everyone tells me I should have become a teacher).
As far as raid experience goes... In this tier I have killed 8 out of 14 bosses in 25-man heroic mode SoO. For 6 of those I was present for the first kill, the first 2 first kills happened when I wasn't available. My previous experience I won't bother to fully list. I've played WoW since the vanilla beta. I took a break during Sunwell Plateau and Dragon Soul but other than that I've cleared all raids. I've done so both on my hunter and shaman (enhancement/resto). I've always played both and raided on both.
I used to theorycraft a lot, basically until Ask Mr. Robot came out. I'm always well informed about my 2 favorite classes and up-to-date about new boss tactics. I prefer to jump into beta modes to learn fights by figuring them out myself rather than use guides. Nothing like a new experience! Naturally I always have potions, flasks and food.
I am mainly applying with my BM hunter (can swap to any other spec if desired for some strange reason). She's got an ilevel of 568. I tried to put an armory link in my post but I'm not allowed to! So feel free to look Kyrsten@Chamber of Aspects up on the armory.
I want to clear this tier of heroic raids before WoD comes out.
I really don't know how to impress you. People are impressed by very different things. So I'm not going to try. I hope you like my app and hopefully until soon, in-game!