Name - Noel
Age - 17 turning 18 in a few months
Country - Malta
Personal Schedule - I work in the mornings and play for about 3 hours a day. I also find time to socialise with my friends and catch up with my family.
What can distract you from gaming? - School and Exams during those times; Friends; Family
Characteristics - I enjoy playing wow and I am friendly but not much of a talkative person. I also tend to be shy at the beginning but I will get used to it and improve the situation.
Raid Aspects: - Experience 8/14 Heroic on 10 man and 14/14 Exp on Normal
I started playing WoW last February and I can say I got used to it pretty quick. I was in a guild and managed to get until 8/14 HC with it. Apart from Siege of Orgrimmar, I have done Older Raid Content for the fun of it and I also played some of the Throne of Thunder Content as well.
Guilds ( Chamber of Aspects )
1. Eat My Crit
I stayed with Eat My Crit until I got 14/14 Normal and then I felt that I couldn't progress much with that guild and I also got another guild offer which I accepted since I saw a better potential of progressing. This will lead us to the second guild.
2. Extreme Instability
I stayed with Extreme Instability till I got 8/14 Heroic Experience. After that, the main team people started to slack and didn't show up for raids so the guild fell. That is when I started looking for another guild.
Class Knowledge
I usually play only enhancement since I hate healing and Elemental in particular so I usually stick to enhance which in my opinion is the nicest spec of all classes and specs. I enjoy a lot playing enhance. I also have healing gear for OS but it's not very good yet and there are a lot of amendments which should be done.
Role Knowledge
Damage. I learned through experience to not tunnel vision the boss but after all my job is to deal the highest damage as possible and staying alive.
How do I prepare for raid - I am an alchemist so I just buy the mats required and do my own pots and flasks. I also bring some banquets with me in case that the Raid Leader doesn't have enough food to support the whole duration of the raid. I also try to log in 20 minutes before the raid start and see that I have the required communication application (Teamspeak, Ventrilo) up to date.
Character :
Name - Zegligu
Class - Shaman
Ilvl - 572
Spec - Enhancement