Personal aspects and environment:
- Name Thurn
- Age 22
- What can distract you from gaming? Beer and watching Liverpool!
Raid aspects:
- Experience
Ive got alot of raiding experiance from 70-80! Where in 2 of the best guild(Requiem and Wipe faster) on my last server(Emeriss). Cleared: (TBC) Karazhan, Gruul, Tempest keep, everything in Mount Hyjal execpt Archimonde, and 5-6 bosses in BT. (Wotlk) Cant rember all the raids from Wotlk I do rember that we where the second guild on the server to take sartharion down with all three drakes up both in 10man and 25man! And clearing whole Naxxramas. I rember I stoped playing wow sometime when I where raiding Ulduar. I think I cleared most of Ulduar before I stoped.
- Guilds
Marauders, Wipe faster, Requiem. Then there some other guilds that I played in but not that serrious.
- Class knowledge
Shaman is the only class ive played in my wow carrer untill Pandaria. Dinged 90 with my Dk 2 weeks ago. So I know my class
- How do you prepare for raids
Reading taccs buying flask, pots, food, repair. And full concentration.
Character aspects:
- Class
- Specc
- Ilvl
538, But just started play again so its going up!
- Goals
Is to progress as fast as possible and having a good time
If you invite me I will be full dedicated to this guild and help others as much as I can!