Hello fellas!
Personal aspects and environment:
- Name Cookie
- Age 24
- What can distract you from gaming? dono
Raid aspects:
- Experience
Raided end-game content since WoW release.
- Guilds
Many different over the years :Pguilds disband and merge, guilds that are notable are Symmetry-Ragnaros, Crimson Bloodline-Ragnaros/Jaedenar, The Other Guys/Claymore-Jaedenar.
- Class knowledge
Can play any class/role a bit rusty with tanking however.
- How do you prepare for raids
Reading up tactics and bringing flasks, pots, foods.
Character aspects:
- Class
- Specc
- Ilvl
538, just started playing this char will be 550ish soon.
- Goals
Having a good time yet focused group to progress while not being hardcore!
I've raided with you on my monk a couple of times.
Thurn/Stophiprostar can vouch for me i presume.
Feel free to ask if you have further questions.