Good evening! My name is Marco I go by
Bluenjoy/Cptswetpants/Skepta and RockemSockem in-game and am quite interested in joining your roster.
I am 26 years old and attend classes on a Wednesday from 11am to 6pm. With that said, I am fully aware that your raid falls on Wednesday for 7:30pm Server Time so I would be late on that day but since you are a 25man team, I am comfortable being subbed in when needed. I do go to school on my spare time on Sundays and whichever days a Studio is available (I study Music Production). But that would not conflict with the other raid days (or optional days).
What distracts me while I'm raiding? Nothing...maybe a random phone call from my Aunt in New York but aside from that, nothing.
I am a very easy going individual. At times I do take things in-game a little serious due to frustration during progression (as most people do) but I do keep myself composed. Aside from that, I am a team player and love to joke around and have fun.
Raid Experience:10/14 Heroic Siege of OrgrimmarWhen content was current,
8/8 Heroic Dragon Souls
6/6 Normal Mogu Vaults
2/6 Normal Heart of FearFrom Original WoW Account: Crusade:Karazhan
Magtheridon's Lair
Lurker Below (Serpent Shrine Caverns)Everything in WotLK except:Heroic Lich King
Heroic Ruby Sanctum
Yogg-Saron One Light
25H AnubCataclysm:BwD 3/6 Heroic
BoT 2/5 Heroic
Firelands 6/7 Heroic
Dragon Soul 3/8 HeroicPrevious Guild:I left
New Dawn-Azuremyst due to the decision to stop raiding until WoD is released. They were a fantastic group of
people but I wasn't ready to stop just yet.
Class + Role Knowledge:Whenever I play a certain class, I put as close to 100% effort into it as if they were my main character. I always look for
discussions/theory crafting on how to optimize my class role.
I generally use:
and just general forum discussions about a class.
Here are a few screenshots of my Binds and UI for my Holy Paladin. Holy // 559 Ret Paladin
(Transferring to Chamber of Aspects on SUNDAY) Shadow Priest Prot Warrior Survival/BM Hunter Specs:
EVGA Nvidia GTX 750 1GB GDDR5
12GB DDR3 Corsair XMS3 Ram
120GB Kingston SSD
2TB Hitachi HDD
Below 30ms
Below 70fps in 25man RaidsWhich equals to none of
Hope to hear from you soon. Have a good one