Personal aspects and environment:
- Name: david smith
- Age 21
- Personal schedule can get on at anytime currently (UK time)
- What can distract you from gaming? Nothing during raid times that i can foresee
- Characteristics I'm stupidly competitive, suppose thats a pro and neg, can take it abit to serious if i think we can do better ect, But end of the day i just like a challenge and like minded people that will put some effort in and learn how to play and try and not just surf by on others, that annoys me more than anything.
Random things about me: 21, dave, from doncaster north of england, like gyming and gaming, currently unemployed so plently of time.
Raid aspects:
- Experience: started playing burning crusade when TK came out, messed around playing the game until i joined simplicity reborn on bloodhoof about a month before BT came out, I played on marake my restro shaman and we cleared everything upto 2nd to last boss in BT, then we made a mix and match from every other guild on the server to go into sunwell seems no guild was good enough on the server to do the first boss like most servers at the time, so the best were selected from every guild, which we did 4-5 bosses before it was nerfed, think we got afew server firsts in there on the 2nd and 4th bosses, also got server first on some timed run, cant remenber what it was called, the place where you get that mount.
in level 80 wasnt playing seriously but still cleared most of normal content, and heroic uldaur
85 cata, Never played this expansion properly at the start, cleared alot of stuff later on, but i generally found raiding boring because of easiness of it, still killed deathwing and did quite abit of content heroic in deathwing riad, but i mainly did arena and pvp.
- Guilds simplicity reborn was the main guild i've played in and curse last year with scottyhope, was him who got me into the game, after people in curse just wouldn't accept simple facts that they cant invite friends to raids that show up every now and again doing 20k dps and standing in crap all the time, that guild dropped to bits when we left and we quit for a year more or less due to frustration of peoples stupidity, but we did clear abit of content in pandaria i guess, but nothing special, and now were back again to play properly with a proper team, no half arsed crap hopefully.
- Class knowledge: Restro/elemental, raided in 90% of my content between these specs, more restro than elemental
Prot pally, raided at level 80 tanking heroic uldaur as the guild needed it
blood dk, never raided on it, was more for pvp
and i've just leveled an prot/arms warrior
- How do you prepare for raids: well i usually have everything prepared before hand via pots and food, i guess the only thing left to do is travel there.
Character aspects:
Restro/elemental shaman
490 ilevel, hasn't changed since i played last year, when i was playing elemental in curse i was pretty well geared and kicking out 55-60k dps on bosses, but that was a change, as i've said i'm usually restro.
If i'm required on another class i have plenty of time to learn how to play it correctly for next expansion and we'll and be gearing together i presume and raiding straight away.
Blood/frost DK
Prot/ret pally
arms/prot war
Goals for every character would be more or less the same, clear content farm achievements and have fun.
- Off-topic,