Personal aspects and environment:
- Name - Dale
- Age - 23
- Personal schedule - I work 9-5 but when i'm not working i'm mainly on WoW
- What can distract you from gaming? - I visit my girlfriend on weekends as that's the only time i can see her but raiding on sunday shouldnt be a problem
Raid aspects:
- Experience - I started playing WoW in TBC but never really started raiding till WotLK, I cleared most if not all normals as well as totgc and parts of ulduar and icecrown hc. I stopped playing in Cata due to being bored of the same game and recently started playing again at the start of 5.4
- Guilds - I have been in alot of guilds over the time on many different characters but the main 2 are Exile on Nagrand alliance and Zero Tolerance on alonsus alliance, These were the guilds I raided with
- Class knowledge - I am fairly confident in both my role knowledge aswell as my class knowledge, this is my 2nd warlock and i know the ins and outs so to speak.
- How do you prepare for raids - this depends on the raid and the situation, if it is a raid I run every week and know the tactics inside out then not alot, cant fix something thats not broken right? lol. but if its a new raid then i like to know what im doing so reading up on tactics is vital rather than hoping someone is going to take my hand and walk me through it.
Character aspects:
- Class - Warlock
- Specc - Destruction
- Ilvl - 525
- Goals - Catch them all!..... all jokes aside just to get as geared as possible and have some fun in the process
Random things about me: names Dale Simpson, Live in Bradford, West Yorkshire, I work as a Graphic Designer, I have a degree in Graphics for Video Games, and my biggest wish is that the world ends and we have a zombie apocalypse lol no Wow but whats better than killing zombies!